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Fundraising Ideas

Become a fundraiser by getting your jeans on and having fun! There is so much more you can do to make a greater impact! You can fundraise at work, your social club or within your group of friends and family. So unzip your creative mind and let your imagination run wild!

Penny For Your Genes Challenge!

Step 1: Grab a pair of jeans and make a knot at the end of the legs

Step 2: Empty your left over coins for the day into your tied jeans and repeat it for 30 days

Step 3: Donate the amount of money you have saved in the pair of jeans to our giving page

Teaching your kids the spirit of philanthropy and the power of saving.

Take this oppotunity to get your children involved with the Penny For Your Jeans Challenge to show them how much money can be saved over a period of time. Not only would this help kickstart the habit of saving but by donating it, you also teach them the spirit of giving.

Here are some other suggestions that can help get those creative juices flowing.

Fundraising Event Ideas

  1. It’s time to get cooking!
    Get out the blue food coloring and make your own bake sale from blueberry muffins to blue colored cookies. Raise funds by allowing guests to pay a donation to enjoy your treats.
  2. Window shop and Donate
    Head out with your best friends for shopping! Record the price of every denim or blue colored item/clothes that catches your eye. At the end of the day, donate that amount towards the Jeans For Genes campaign. Your generous contribution can help to save more lives while you can enjoy a 250% tax deduction.

Other Fundraising Ideas

  1. Change lives with loose change
    Do you always find yourself with loose change in your pockets at the end of the day? You and your friends can donate these loose changes towards the campaign, which can add up into a huge sum in the long run.
  2. Celebrate with a difference
    Avoid getting presents with short life spans such as foil balloons. Whether you’re having a birthday party, wedding celebration or celebrating a milestone in life, request your guests to make a donation as a gift towards the campaign.

Selling Merchandise

Become our brand ambassador and help us sell Jeans For Genes merchandise. Helping us to sell our merchandise can not only help improve the awareness of the campaign but also raise funds. Drop us an email at [email protected] to find out more.

Sign Up Now Fundraise at Work Get Your Jeans On