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Fundraise at Work

Joining the battle against cancer can be as simple as selling Jeans For Genes pins in the office/school, or getting your family and friends to wear jeans and support this campaign with you. Reach out to us at [email protected] and start your fundraising journey with us today.

How you can make an impact at your workplace

  1. Sell our merchandise
    Get our Jeans For Genes merchandise and fundraise for us at your workplace.
  2. Set up an online fundraising page
    Create and set up a fundraising page. Get your colleagues to share the link with their friends and families and reach the target goal as one team!

  3. Host fundraising activities
    Some examples of activities that can be done as part of your fundraising efforts (list is non-exhaustive):
    - Host a bake sale or a garage sale where people can buy goodies
    - Photography enthusiasts can volunteer for portrait or group fun shoots and gift the photos in exchange for a donation
    - Encourage colleagues with an interest in arts to draw portraits/caricatures and sell them in order to raise funds
    - For those who are into providing manicures, they can paint out some amazing nail art for a small price
    - And many more!

    All these activities can be done for a minimum sum donation towards the campaign.

  4. Partner with us

    Why not boost your company’s Corporate Social Responsibility with this great opportunity? Get in touch with us at [email protected]

It’s time to make a difference! Get Your Jeans On!

Sign Up Now Fundraising Ideas Get Your Jeans On