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Cancer Education and Information

Anyone affected by cancer would probably want to know more about the disease. Pertinent information, education and counselling are essential as they play a major role in supporting and empowering patients and families to better cope with the condition and achieve optimum health outcomes. As such, the Cancer Education & Information Services (CEIS) was established to fulfil the cancer education and counselling needs of cancer patients, caregivers as well as members of the public.

CEIS provides timely and reliable cancer information to patients, healthcare professionals and the community through comprehensive and well-planned programmes and services. Our service aims to empower more members of the public with right knowledge and skills to help themselves and others through their cancer journey.

The services we provide include:

Cancer Helpline


Everyone has different needs when it comes to cancer. When you are faced with a diagnosis of cancer, you may want to talk to someone about what you are going through. Our aim is to help you through the cancer experience. We can listen to your concerns and help you find ways to cope better.

The Cancer Helpline is a private, confidential and anonymous one-to-one information and counselling service manned by nurse counsellors. They are able to provide up-to-date information on risk factors, signs and symptoms, prevention, early detection and management of treatment side effects. We do not give medical advice or treatment recommendations but help you to clarify doubts and put into perspective what your doctor has told you. Services also include counselling, as well as emotional and psychological support in coping with cancer. Cancer patients can also be connected to health, welfare and cancer support services available in Singapore. 

Click here if you would like to leave a message for us to return your call.

Wig Bank

Wig bank.jpg

If you are a patient of National Cancer Centre Singapore, you can borrow wigs from our Wig Bank. This service is complimentary, as we believe in helping you look good when you go through your treatments.

Service includes wig fitting and basic styling.

For wig fitting appointment, please call (65) 6225 5655.

Click here to request for a Wig Fitting appointment.

Click here to download Caring for Your Wig (Eng)
Click here to download Caring for Your Wig (Chi)


Cancer Education Materials

The education materials are provided free to patients, family members, caregivers and the public and available in hard and soft copy.

  • Cancer Information booklets
  • In Good Health is a free quarterly e-newsletter with information on general cancers, early detection and prevention, risk factors, signs and symptoms, self-help tips, as well as treatment options. Read it here.

Sign up for our e-newsletter here.

Patient Education Programmes 


Receiving a cancer diagnosis is never easy thus we believe in providing the necessary support to journey alongside patients and help them cope better. 

This is done through patient education programmes such as our new patient onboarding video and regular CancerWise workshops. These workshops aim to educate patients on commonly experienced side effects such as fatigue, chemo fog and sleep disturbances and offer tips on how to manage them. 

Sign up for our next CancerWise workshop now.

Public Education Programmes

  • Public Forums held at regular intervals to provide information on various aspects of cancer, focusing on prevention, early detection, diet and healthy lifestyle.

  • Community Outreach is organised in collaboration with community partners to raise cancer awareness in the heartlands. Cancer information will be accessible through exhibits and interactive activities to promote anti-cancer advocacy.

Contact Information

For counselling, cancer information and registration for public education programmes, loaning of wig, as well as request for publications, please call the Cancer Helpline at (65) 6225 5655 or email to [email protected].

You can also download a copy of these publications from a list of cancer information booklets at the NCCS' website by clicking the tab below.