Plans are underway for the NCC Research Fund to be subsumed under the umbrella of SingHealth Fund (SHF) as part of the NCCS Cancer Fund in the next few years. NCCS’ Community Cancer Fund was subsumed under SHF as the NCCS Cancer Fund earlier. The causes that the NCCS Cancer Fund supports remain unchanged from those as intended by NCCS for its charitable funds, namely cancer research, cancer patient support and cancer education. Donors who have been giving regularly to the NCC Research Fund will be notified in due course.
Established in 2005, the NCC Research Fund serves as the flagship fundraising and grant-making channel of our Centre by providing seeding and bridging funds for an array of translational and clinical research programmes.
The NCC Research Fund fulfils three objectives:
With cancer accounting for more than one in four deaths in Singapore, the Centre plays a pivotal role in the holistic care and multidisciplinary-based treatment of cancer patients. Innovative medicine requires quality research and clinical research is an arduous undertaking. Our doctor-scientists require ample philanthropic support and public understanding in order to usher medical breakthroughs for the benefit of the community.
We firmly believe that today’s research will pave the way for a cure for cancer tomorrow.
Through your support in cancer research, there is hope of overcoming the greatest threat to lives. More lives can be saved.
NCC Research Fund is registered under the Charities Act as an Institution of Public Character (IPC) with an independent Board of Trustees.
Today's Research. Tomorrow's Cure. ™
Financial Information
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Non-financial Information
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Charity Status
IPC Status
NCC Research Fund Board of Trustees
Prof Lim Soon Thye Chief Executive Officer, NCCS, & Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer (Research, Education & Innovation), SingHealth
Co-opted Members
Mr Vikna Rajah Head Tax & Trust, Co-head Private Wealth, Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Ms Lim Lei Theng Partner Allen & Gledhill LLP
Finance Committee
Audit & Risk Committee
Ernst & Young
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