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Data on request

JBCR collects breast cancer data on patient demographics, primary tumour information such as diagnosis date, tumour histology, stage at diagnosis, tumour size, nodes involved, hormonal status, treatment, toxicity, survival status and treatment related costs, etc. The Registry has developed breast cancer specific data items for clinical cancer registration and data definitions to facilitate comparative analysis, and where appropriate, data pooling.

All applicants performing research must fulfil the criteria laid out in SingHealth Cluster Data Policy – Use of clinical, operational and research data for the purpose of Research and Quality Assurance / Service Improvement (QA/SI). Unless proposed research is under JBCR (CIRB 2019/2419), applicants are required to attach a valid IRB. Data request process:

  1. One or both of the forms may be applicable:

    a.  Form A: Complete Section A if requesting for aggregate data for regular or adhoc department reports.

    b. Form B: Complete Section A and B if patient level data required for preliminary studies or intended publications.

  2. Submit the complete form directly to your department admin/secretary to assist with getting approval from DSO, DMO and SGH Pathology Representatives. Once they have signed the forms, you can route the hard copy forms to Sook Kwan to get approval from DRO Representatives. Please allow 15 working days for the review of your request.
  3. If successful, please submit the approved form to the Department of Cancer Informatics, NCCS. It takes between two weeks and several months to provide data, depending on the complexity of your request. Please allow 15 working days for the review of your request.