MBBS(S’pore), MRCS(Edin), Mmed(ORL), FAMS(ORL)
Specialty: Otolaryngology, Surgery & Surgical Oncology
Clinical Interest: Head & Neck Surgery
Conditions Treated by this Doctor: Acute Pharyngitis and Tonsillitis, Enlarged Neck Lymph Nodes, Head and Neck Reconstruction: Local Flaps, Head and Neck Reconstruction: Microsurgical Free Flaps, Head and Neck Reconstruction: Regional Flaps, Hypopharyngeal Cancers, Laryngeal Cancer, Larynx Cancer, Mouth Cancer, Mouth Ulcers, Nasopharyngeal Cancer (Nose Cancer), Neck Lumps, Oropharyngeal Cancers, Paranasal Sinus Tumours, Salivary Gland Tumours, Sialendoscopy, Swallowing Difficulties, Thyroid Cancer, Thyroid nodules, Thyroid Nodules, Tonsils and Adenoids, Transoral Robotic Surgery for Cancer.
Dr Teo Ee Hoon is a Senior Consultant with the Department of Otolaryngology, Singapore General Hospital (SGH). She sub-specialises in Head & Neck Surgery.
Singapore-Malaysia Combined ENT Scientific Meeting, Resident presentation 2nd prize: 17 August 2008
Liposarcomas of the extremeties Tan Mann Hong FRCS(Ed), FRCS (G), Constance Teo MBBS, Dilshan Munidas MBBS, MS, FRCS (Ed). Department of Orthopaedic surgery, SGH.Oral presentationSingapore General Hospital 14th Annual Scientific Meeting, 2003.
Avoidance of palatal fistula in nasopharyngectomy via a modified maxillary swing approach. Constance E. H. Teo, MBBS, MRCS (Edin); Mark L. C. Khoo, FRCS. Poster presentation AHNS 7th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, San Francisco, July 19-23, 2008.
Fascia-only free radial forearm flap for resurfacing the nasopharynx following nasopharyngectomyConstance E. H. Teo, MBBS, MRCS (Edin); Mark L. C. Khoo, FRCS.Oral presentationAHNS 7th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, San Francisco, July 19-23, 2008.
Plasma EBV DNA levels for surveillance in NPC patients. Constance Teo, MBBS, MRCS (Edin); Thomas Loh, FRCS. Poster presentation AAO-HNSF Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, September 26-29, 2010.
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