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Financial Aid and Practical Assistance

How we can help

If you face difficulties paying for the cost of cancer treatment or care, you can approach our medical social workers to explore:

  • Financial assistance schemes
  • Practical help and resources

Financial aid

Prior to the start of your treatment, our patient service associates at the specialist outpatient clinics can provide you with an estimated bill size of the treatment cost. You may refer to Charges and Payment for more information. 

Some financial assistance schemes available include:

The amount and type of help you can receive depends on the bill size and your family's financial circumstances.

Note: From 1 September 2022, MOH has introduced more cost-effective cancer drugs to help reduce your overall spending. Find out more about affordable cancer drug treatment for all.

How to get financial aid

Make an appointment with our medical social workers.

What to expect:

  • You need to read the requirements, prepare the documents ahead of time for an assessment.
  • Sessions last approximately 45 to 60 minutes and follow-up appointments will be scheduled accordingly.
  • Once the outcome of your application is ready, the medical social worker you met will give you a call on the outcome.

See required documents

Practical assistance

We can also share with you resources to help you deal with your daily care needs. Care planning and practical assistance include the following but are not limited to:

  • Medical Equipment (for example, wheelchair, walking aids and hospital beds)
    • Contact your doctor for a referral to an occupational therapist in order to get an assessment

You may also visit our community support and partners for more information. If you are not sure where to get help, contact us.

Note: Fees may apply to some of these services.



Please contact our Business Office at 6436 8221 for more information.
After your doctor prescribes treatment, you will meet with a patient service associate at the specialist outpatient clinic for advice on the cost.
MediFund provides a safety net for patients who face financial difficulties with their remaining bills after government subsidies and other means of payment, which include MediShield Life, MediSave and cash. Please refer to the Ministry of Health's website for more information on MediFund.
You can make an appointment to see your medical social worker for a reassessment one month before the expiry date.
You can make an appointment to see a medical social worker for an assessment of whether you are eligible to change your class status.
Please bring along all of the following:
• Singapore NRIC (pink or blue).
• Either a pay slip for the past 3 months (for salaried worker), or an IRAS statement (for business owner).
• Up-to-date CPF transaction history consisting of Ordinary, Special, MediSave and Retirement account balances.
• Annual Value of your property (generated from IRAS)

(From 1 January 2023, private acute inpatient and day surgery patients can opt for subsidised follow-up care at specialist outpatient clinics (SOCs).
You can inform the ward nurses of your wish to downgrade from the private to subsidised class at SOCs prior to your discharge from the inpatient ward.
Please note that you will not be able to choose your doctor if you opt for subsidised follow-up care at the SOCs.)
Financial aid can be considered for Long-Term Visit Pass Holders on a case-by-case basis. There is no financial aid for foreigners on social visits, work permits and special passes.
The types of medical insurances available in Singapore are varied. The coverage depends on the types of medical/health insurance plans that you have. It is best to approach your insurance agent or a representative of your insurance provider, to explain the terms and conditions of your policy.
At the present time, you can only make doctor’s appointments at NCCS with the Health Buddy App.

Contact us for any enquiries or to request an appointment.