If you are making claims from your insurance company or if you require a medical report, kindly take note that a medical report is prepared by our doctors only upon receipt of an application with payment.
If you are the patient - please submit Form A and Form C.
If you are applying for a patient who has deceased or is mentally incompetent- please submit Forms A, B and C.
Please ensure all fields are completed and filled out correctly to avoid delays in processing. We can only process your application upon fulfilling the verification and receipt of all necessary forms, supporting documents and payment.
Enquiries and Operating Hours:
Tel: (65) 6306 1246
Mon to Fri : 8.00am to 5.00pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
By Email
Scan and submit your forms and supporting documents at [email protected]
In Person
By Mail
Fees (Inclusive Of GST)
Report is in the form of a medical insurance form questionnaire. Information required may consist of diagnosis, name of procedure, and details of medical condition or treatment given.
Provides basic information as specified by the patient.
Timeline for Request Completion
Please allow 4 - 6 weeks for processing of requests. Delays in prompt processing may be the result of:
For enquiries, please contact us at (65) 6306 1246 or [email protected].
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