Your gift is an investment in the future for National Cancer Centre and our patients.
You donation is a vital resource that will enable us to fund advanced patient care initiatives to help support patients from the point of diagnosis onwards, and our innovative research, which helps to find a cure for cancer.
Your donation matters, whatever the size of your gift, every dollar goes to make patients’ lives better and to help us Make More Survivors.
“Witnessing my wife Yan’s four-year battle with cancer made me appreciate how precious life is and the importance of making a difference in the world. I made a donation to the NCCS Cancer Genetics Service to support research into rare and genetic cancers to help others who are battling similar diseases. But I want to do more to honour my wife’s memory and keep alive her kind and generous spirit. So I’m now volunteering with NCCS’ Fundraising Committee, to raise funds for patient care initiatives and critical cancer research. I know that this is something that Yan would want me to do as well.”
- Melvin Lee, Member of Capital Campaign Steering Committee, volunteer and donor.
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