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NCCS Cancer Fund

The NCCS Cancer Fund (previously known as the Community Cancer Fund) supports:

  • financial assistance for needy patients;
  • education and training of medical, nursing and paramedical professionals for better patient care and cancer prevention;
  • development of cancer related publications for oncology professionals, patients and public; as well as
  • improvements in infrastructure, equipment, facilities, processes and patient touch points for enhancement of patient care.

Since its inception in 1998, funds raised in a variety of ways provide support for specific cancer research and public education projects. The fund was renamed in year 2011 to better reflect its purpose with a strong focus on optimising patient care.

With your help, more lives can be touched as cancer affects 1 in 3 here. Financial assistance can help to diminish some distress that they experience from challenges that they may face along their cancer journey.


Non-financial Information


FY2017 Year in Review   ​FY2016 Year in ReviewFY2014-2015 Year in Review


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The NCCS Cancer Fund is a part of SingHealth Fund (SHF) – which was incorporated on 2 September 2016 as a Company Limited by Guarantee to operate charity funds for the SingHealth cluster. All donations to the NCCS Cancer Fund are ring-fenced under the SHF for NCCS Cancer Fund purposes and will be used in accordance with the donors’ intent for cancer causes. As an Institution of Public Character (IPC), SHF is committed to maintaining highest standards of governance and abides by the Code of Governance for Charities and IPCs.

Institution Fund Committee of NCCS Cancer Fund


Madam Ho Geok Choo
Human Capital (Singapore) Pte Ltd


Mr George Thia Peng Heok
Business Consultant, Asiainc Private Limited and GAAB Private Limited;
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director, CH Offshore Limited;
Independent Non-Executive Director, Yoma Strategic Holdings Limited

Mr Kaka Singh
Chairman and Senior Partner,
RSM Chio Lim LLP

Mr Ng Boon Yew
Chairman and CEO,
Raffles Campus Pte Ltd

Prof Soo Khee Chee
Soo Khee Chee Surgery

Prof Tan Ser Kiat
Emeritus Consultant,
Singapore General Hospital

Prof William Hwang 
Senior Advisor, SingHealth,
Co-Director, Regenerative Medicine Institute of Singapore (REMEDIS),
Senior Consultant, Department of Haematology, NCCS and SGH

Mr Harry Ng
Executive Director,
HLM (International) Corporate Services Pte. Ltd

Ms Bianca Cheo Hui Hsin
Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, Mewah International Inc.


Mr Vikna Rajah
Head Tax & Trust, Co-head Private Wealth,
Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP

Ms Lim Lei Theng
Allen & Gledhill LLP

Prof Lim Soon Thye
Executive Officer, NCCS, & Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer (Research, Education & Innovation), SingHealth

Finance Advisory Panel


Mr George Thia Peng Heok
Business Consultant, Asiainc Private Limited and GAAB Private Limited;
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director, CH Offshore Limited;
Independent Non-Executive Director, Yoma Strategic Holdings Limited

Mr Seow Choong Huei
8818 Enterprises Private Limited

Mr Ng Boon Yew
Chairman and CEO,
Raffles Campus Pte Ltd

Mr Vikna Rajah
Head Tax & Trust, Co-head Private Wealth,
Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP

Audit & Risk Advisory Panel


Mr Harry Ng
Executive Director,
HLM (International) Corporate Services Pte. Ltd


Mr Kaka Singh
Chairman and Senior Partner,
RSM Chio Lim LLP

Mr Khor Boon Hong
Partner, Baker Tilly TFW LLP

Nomination Sub-committee


Prof Lim Soon Thye


Prof Tan Ser Kiat
Emeritus Consultant,
Singapore General Hospital

Mr. Suhaimi Zainul-Abidin
Quantedge Capital Pte Ltd

Mr Perry Lim
Executive Director,
Royal Golden Eagle

Madam Ho Geok Choo
Human Capital (Singapore) Pte Ltd


Ernst & Young