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Key Milestones


  • Goh Cheng Liang Proton Therapy Centre at NCCS celebrates its first anniversary with the unveiling of the Goh Cheng Liang Recognition Wall.
  • Hosts the 62nd Annual Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group Conference in Singapore, which was attended by more than 1,200 international experts from 42 countries.
  • NCCS ranks 6th amongst Asia Pacific’s 100 specialised hospitals and institutions, and the only institution from South East Asia in the Top 10, in Newsweek’s Best Specialized Hospitals Asia Pacific 2024 (Oncology).
  • President Tharman Shanmugaratnam officially opens the NCCS – Singapore Cancer Society Rehabilitation Centre on 1 June 2024 to offer clinical and rehabilitation services to newly diagnosed patients and those who have completed treatments. 
  • Operating Theatres officially opens, unlocking new opportunities for comprehensive cancer care under one roof.
  • Prof Pierce Chow, Senior Consultant, Department of Hepatopancreatobiliary & Transplant Surgery, Division of Surgery and Surgical Oncology, receives the Clinical Research Lifetime Achievement Award at the Asia-Pacific Biopharma Excellence Awards (ABEA) 2024, a testament to a career dedicated to conducting clinical and translational research aimed at providing new hope for cancer patients.
  • NCCS receives special mention in World’s Best Hospitals 2024 Newsweek Ranking for Singapore, ranking 68th amongst the 300 World’s Best Specialized Hospitals for Oncology. 
  • NCCS celebrates 25th anniversary and remains dedicated to pioneering advancements in cancer care.


  • Prof William Hwang hands over the leadership reins to Prof Lim Soon Thye, who is appointed Chief Executive Officer of NCCS on 1 December 2023.
  • The Goh Cheng Liang Proton Therapy Centre at NCCS has been granted its operating license and treats its first patient on 27 June 2023.
  • NCCS ranks 9th amongst Asia Pacific’s top cancer hospitals and institutions, and the only one in South East Asia in the Top 10, in Newsweek’s Best Specialized Hospitals Asia Pacific 2023 (Oncology).
  • Associate Professor Melvin Chua, Head and Senior Consultant, Department of Head & Neck and Thoracic Radiation Oncology, Division of Radiation Oncology, is appointed Chair of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Asia Pacific Regional Council.
  • Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong officially opens the new National Cancer Centre Singapore on 18 May 2023.


  • The first Specialist Oncology Clinic, SOC 14F starts operations in the new 24-storey National Cancer Centre Singapore building.
  • NCCS ranks 58 amongst the world’s top cancer hospitals and institutions, and the only one in South East Asia in the Top 100, in Newsweek’s World’s Best Specialized Hospitals 2023. NCCS Oncology Clinic @ Changi General Hospital ranks 152.


  • ​Chief Executive Officer, Prof William Hwang is elected Regional Vice-President Elect, Asia, for the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCT).
  • Selected to host the 62nd Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOG) in 2024.
  • Professor Rebecca Dent, Chairman and Senior Consultant, Division of Medical Oncology, receives the prestigious European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Women in Oncology Award, recognising her outstanding commitment to oncology and her devotion to mentoring other women with careers in oncology. Prof Dent is the first oncologist from Singapore to receive this award. 

  • ​Dr Alice Chua Foong Sin, receives the President's Award for Nurses , the highest accolade in Singapore’s nursing profession. This national award recognises nurses who have shown sustained outstanding performance and contributions to patient care delivery, education, research and administration.

  • NCCS and Singapore Cancer Society sign a partnership agreement to provide holistic and seamless cancer support and intensify upstream prevention methods to reduce cancer incidence through a dedicated Cancer Genetics Service Screening Programme.
  • The first component of the proton therapy gantry arrives for installation at the site of the new building.
  • Prof Teh Bin Tean speaks at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Plenary Lectureship. Only scientists who are world authorities in their fields are invited to give plenary talks at this event.
  • Sets the first national record in the Singapore Book of Records for the most number of steps achieved on stepper machines, in support of adolescents and young adults (AYA) cancer patients. 344,744 steps were accomplished.

  • The NCCS Oncology @ SKH is launched to bring cancer treatment closer to patients living in the north-eastern sector of Singapore.

  • Founding Director, Prof Soo Khee Chee retires as Director of NCCS on 26 November 2017 and hands over the reins to Prof William Hwang Ying Khee, who is appointed ​Chief Executive Officer of NCCS.
  • Leads first-in-the-world liver cancer clinical trial to pioneer a treatment strategy that combines an immunotherapy drug with radioembolisation.
  • Ground-breaking ceremony for the New NCCS Building. The new comprehensive proton therapy facility, named the Goh Cheng Liang Proton Therapy Centre, will be located in the basement level of the new NCCS building.

  • ​Hitachi Asia Ltd is awarded to provide the Proton Beam Therapy System for the Goh Cheng Liang Proton Therapy Centre.

  • ​Collaborates with ASLAN Pharmaceuticals to research and develop therapies for Asia-Prevalent Tumour Types.
  • Wins Service Excellence Medallion Award - the first healthcare institution in Singapore to receive this award.
  • Launches Singapore’s first cancer education bus with Ain Society, to create cancer awareness in the community.

  • ​Collaborates with Clearbridge BioMedics, together with the Pathology Department of the Singapore General Hospital, to set up region’s first Circulating Tumour Cell Centre of Research Excellence (CTC CoRE).
  • Signs Goyang Declaration in Seoul to push for a Tobacco-Free Generation (TFG) in Asia.
  • Receives $50 million donation from the Goh Foundation to set up the new Proton Beam Treatment Centre and for proton-related cancer treatment and research.
  • ​Launches NCCS Oncology Clinic @ CGH to bring cancer treatment closer to patients living in eastern Singapore.
  • Sets up the Integrated Translational Oncology Network together with Bayer Heathcare, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, Duke-NUS Medical School, National University Cancer Institute, Singapore, Singapore General Hospital, A*STAR’s Singapore Bioimaging Consortium.
  • Ms Chua Gek Pin, receives the President's Award for Nurses , the highest accolade in Singapore’s nursing profession. This national award recognises nurses who have shown sustained outstanding performance and contributions to patient care delivery, education, research and administration.
  • ​Partners BNP Paribas to launch the first NCCS Surgical Oncology Conference.
  • Announces plans to offer Proton Therapy to patients in 2020/2021.
  • Introduces Intraoperative Radiotherapy (IORT) for breast cancer patients.
  • Opens Centre for Peritoneal and Pelvic Cancers.
  • Partners Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (UK) and Van Andel Research Institute (USA), leading to the discovery of a new gene that is mutated in one out of three cancer patients with renal cancers.
  • Department of Medical Oncology introduces a comprehensive geriatric assessment for elderly patients with colorectal, lung and genitourinary cancers to assess their suitability for treatment.
  • Department of Surgical Oncology introduces the Breast Cancer Survivorship Programme, which enables survivors to receive comprehensive disease surveillance assistance from Advanced Practitioner Nurses.
  • ​Embarks on its Service Quality Excellence Programme.
  • Receives accreditation from the Joint Commission International (JCI). It is the only national cancer centre in the region to be recognised for healthcare standards, patient safety and clinical governance.
  • Supports the proposal to deny the sale of tobacco products to citizens born in or after the year 2000. The proposal is presented at the SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress
  • Launches the BNP Paribas-NCCS Regional Fellowship Programme. The first programme is conferred to a physician from Vietnam.
  • ​Introduces Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT), a new technique that enhances cancer control with fewer side effects.
  • Partners Four Seasons Hotel Singapore and The Regent Singapore for the inaugural launch of the annual Run For Hope to raise funds for cancer research.
  • Minister for Health Mr Khaw Boon Wan opens Lien Centre for Palliative Care.
  • ​Establishes Geriatric Oncology Programme.
  • Signs an international collaboration agreement formalising an alliance to customise Asian patients’ cancer drug response, with the Van Andel Research Institute (VARI) based in Michigan, USA.
  • Establishes Humphrey Oei Institute of Cancer Research (HOICR). The institute comprises the three founding research divisions: Cellular and Molecular Research, Medical Sciences, and Clinical Trials and Epidemiological Sciences.
  • ​Acquires a 64-slice Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) to enable early detection and treatment of cancer.
  • Signs an MOU with Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology and Regional Cancer Centre in Thiruvananthapuram, India to conduct biomedical research and study head and neck cancers.
  • Leads Singapore’s first bench-to-bedside Dendritic Cell Vaccine trial that produces encouraging results for advanced colon cancer patients.
  • Establishes the Health Professionals and Undergraduates (HPU) Education Unit to provide training opportunities for medical students to learn from veteran medical staff and clinicians.
  • ​Signs a landmark agreement with eight Asian National Cancer Centres to collectively embark on cancer prevention advocacy, cancer research, training, as well as collaboration, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
  • Becomes the secretariat for the Asian National Cancer Centers Alliance (ANCCA).
  • Partners Children’s Cancer Foundation and KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital for research on rhabdomyosarcoma, a fast growing malignant tumour that affects children.
  • ​Pioneers a new technique, Photodynamic Diagnosis and Treatment (PDT) that uses fluorescence diagnosis and drug-induced light therapy to diagnose and treat cancer.
  • ​Plays a key role in the national crisis management of SARS.
  • ​Division of Radiation Oncology introduces Singapore’s first Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) treatment to improve tumour coverage and decrease side effects of treatment.
  • ​Establishes Department of Psychosocial Oncology.
  • ​Official opening of NCCS by Mr Lim Hng Kiang, Minister for Health.
  • Commences operations with two clinical divisions, Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology, and three research divisions. Divisions of Surgical Oncology, Palliative Medicine and Oncologic Imaging are also established within the year.
  • Becomes part of Singapore Health Services (SingHealth), one of two public healthcare clusters.
  • Establishes Mammography Suite.
  • ​Official launch of Cancer Helpline by Mr Chan Soo Sen, Parliamentary Secretary (Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Health).
  • ​Obtains its status of National Specialist Centre and becomes a fully autonomous institution. Appoints Professor Soo Khee Chee as Director of NCCS.
  • ​Minister for Health, BG (NS) George Yeo launches new premise for Singapore Cancer Centre at SGH Campus.
  • ​Commences as a specialised Strategic Business Unit within the Singapore General Hospital (SGH).
  • ​The Government reviews National Health Policies and recommends the establishment of a national cancer centre in Singapore.
  • ​A White Paper was introduced in Parliament to set up a national cancer centre in Singapore.