Yirong Sim, Dayna Sim Project Title: Inflammatory breast cancer in Singapore and validation of a diagnostic score Abstract Disclosures Abstract: Background: Inflammatory breast cancer is a less common by far, but aggressive subtype of breast cancer. Its diagnosis has important therapeutic and prognostic implications. Under the AJCC TNM staging system, it is T4d and diagnosed when all clinical features are fulfilled (both history and physical examination). These include rapid onset of breast erythema involving at least a third of the breast, edema and/or peau d’orange, and/or warm temperature, with or without an underlying palpable mass, duration of history no more than six months. A recent paper from the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation, and the Milburn Foundation proposed a quantitative scoring system for determining the likelihood of inflammatory breast cancer based on clinical, radiological and pathological fields. This is deemed to reduce clinician subjectivity and perhaps under or over diagnosis of IBC. Our study seeks to study and analyse the inflammatory breast cancer patients in our local population and to retrospectively validate this scoring system in previously diagnosed IBC population in Singapore General Hospital from (date) to (date). Our secondary outcome is to review the treatment outcomes in our patients with inflammatory breast cancer, and to determine if survival outcomes differed across the group stratification based on this scoring and if treatment would have thus differed. Aim: We aim to validate this proposed scoring system in our population of patients who were previously diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer, which could potentially provide us with an objective method of diagnosing this rare disease, hence guiding treatment for these patients. Reference: Jagsi et al. Inflammatory breast cancer defined: proposed common diagnostic criteria to guide treatment and research. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment (2022) 192:235-243 Joint Breast Cancer Registry Singapore