Located within Pasir Ris Mall and next to the Pasir Ris MRT station and bus interchange, Pasir Ris Polyclinic is positioned at the heart of a vibrant and easily accessible area, offering convenience to patients.
Pasir Ris Polyclinic is one of 26 polyclinics in Singapore that, together with General Practitioner (GP) clinics islandwide, form the primary care component of the healthcare system. “It ensures efficiency because, through primary care, we can treat an illness before it becomes serious. In an ageing society like Singapore, primary care moves further upstream to deliver preventive care and build health in our community and the population,” said Minister for Health Mr Ong Ye Kung, who officially opened the redeveloped polyclinic.
Also present at the opening ceremony was Senior Minister Mr Teo Chee Hean, who had opened the previous Pasir Ris Polyclinic in 2002. The then relatively new estate of Pasir Ris was home to many young families, and the polyclinic gave residents ready access to affordable healthcare, including specific initiatives, such as those that focused on paediatrics. Today, the healthcare needs have evolved with the changing needs of residents and population size.
“Beyond quality facilities and healthcare professionals, strong partnership between healthcare providers and the wider community is a critical aspect of patient care. The polyclinic will be partnering the Active Ageing Centres in the vicinity to ensure holistic treatment of elderly patients,” said Senior Minister Teo. “The redevelopment allows us to broaden our scope of care, which includes dental and physiotherapy services, allowing us to provide more comprehensive care and address a wider range of health needs,” said Dr Koh Kim Hwee, Clinic Director, SHP-Pasir Ris.
Multidisciplinary care teams will offer a comprehensive suite of preventive care options aimed at supporting community well-being. They include breast, cervical and colorectal screenings, cardiovascular assessments, vaccinations, fall risk evaluations, and smoking cessation programmes. New services focusing on supporting patients with memory and mental health challenges will be launched by the second half of 2025 to provide a holistic approach to both physical and mental wellbeing. The polyclinic will also feature an Academic Family Medicine Centre, dedicated to training doctors under the Family Medicine residency programme.
Service delivery will include the use of technology such as electronic registration and appointment making, and telemonitoring to facilitate a more seamless patient experience. Teleconsultation services will not only cover traditional areas like preventive care and chronic disease management and therapies; there will also be services provided by dietitians and physiotherapists.

<<Staff and SHP Helping Hands volunteers putting the finishing touches on the new Pasir Ris
Polyclinic’s wall painting, which contains scenes of the surrounding areas.>>
Drawing on lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, the redeveloped polyclinic features a dedicated module that can be converted into a pandemic response space, which is designed with a separate entrance from the mall that can be used when necessary. During normal operations, this space will function as an area for My Care Team, SHP’s multidisciplinary care team that provides personalised and comprehensive care for residents enrolled in the Healthier SG programme.
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